Managing Liquidity

How to manage your liquidity

Add liquidity

  1. On the swap page, switch the tab in the upper left corner to pools

Access to Pools by switching
  1. View the trading pairs that support adding liquidity, the "Add" button must be active. Select the trading pair you want to add liquidity in, and click the "Add" button on the right side of the trading pair

Pools page on Polkadot side
  1. On the Overview of the liquidity pool you can have a look to the assets in the pool, the ratio, the basics informations (TVL, Swapp fee, APR%) and the latest trades. Enter the amount of token that needs to be added, and the system will automatically match the amount of another token. Click on "Add liquidity" on the left side

vDOT-DOT pool overview
  1. Once on the Add Liquidity page you can select the amount of assets you want to add in the pool.

For Zenlink pools (UNIv2 pools): pools are 50/50

For stableswap pools (BLP): pools are not 50/50. So the ratio to add liquidity is different from the swap ratio.

Add liquidity page
  1. Finally, click the "Add liquidity" button to confirm the transaction and complete the signature. You now have (B)LP tokens. Your position can be followed in the "My position" menu on the left

My position page
  1. You can go to the Bifrost wallet to see you (B)LP tokens

Bifrost wallet with the BLP & LP tokens
  1. If you want to stake your (B)LP tokens, jump to the Farm menu, also detailed in the docs here

Remove liquidity

  1. On the Swap page, switch the tab in the upper left corner to pools

Access to pools by switching
  1. View the trading pairs that support adding liquidity, the "Remove" button must be active. Select the trading pair you want to remove liquidity, and click the "Remove" button on the right side of the trading pair

Pools page on Polkadot side
  1. Click on "Remove" on the left side. Enter the LP value corresponding to the amount of liquidity that needs to be removed, and you will see how many tokens you can get after withdrawing the liquidity.

    NB: Your LP tokens needs to be free to be displayed in the Remove Liquidity page. You need to unstake your LP first if they are staked in the farming pools.

Remove liquidity page
  1. Click the "Remove" button to confirm the transaction and complete the signature. You receive both tokens in your wallet once confirmed

Last updated