Manta Pacific's SLPx currently does not support inter-contract calls. However, if you are developing a wallet or frontend application, we welcome you to directly integrate the SLPx contract. If you have any technical questions, please feel free to contact our technical team:
Manta Pacific's SLPx currently does not support atomic contract calls. That means you can't integrate within your contract logic. The reason are as follows:
the minting process relies on msg.sender to be the receiver so this can have unintended effect on your contract logic
there is a wait time of about 8 to 10 minutes to receive the vMANTA token.
However, you can still interact with the contract directly from the frontend or use another contract but the call is structured at the end of the logic.
There are 3 main functions you use to integrate with MantaPacificSlpx:
minAmount (derived from the public variable minAmount)
function minAmount() returns (uint256)
function estimateSendAndCallFee(
address assetAddress,
uint256 amount,
uint32 channel_id,
uint64 dstGasForCall,
bytes calldata adapterParams
) public view returns (uint256)
You want to fetch the minAmount() function to check on the minimum amount of MANTA that you need to use to mint. Currently this value is 2000000000000000000 equal to 2 MANTA.
Next, you want to call the function estimateSendAndCallFee to get the mint fee in ETH. The input values are defined as follows:
Input value
address assetAddress
Address of MANTA token
uint256 amount
Amount of MANTA token be used to mint to vMANTA
uint32 channel_id
ID of the channel
uint64 dstGasForCall
Destination gas for call
bytes calldata adapterParams
["uint16", "uint256"], [1, 4200000]
Parameters to be encoded for the Adapter. Refer to the adapterParams encoding section below on how to call
adapterParams encoding
With Ethers.js v5, you can use solidityPack function
Last call returns a value of 83556372916216 equal to 0.000083556372916216 ETH.
Then, to mint vMANTA with MANTA, call approve on MANTA token contract to the MantaPacificSlpx contract, then call the create_order function with the same inputs as estimateSendAndCallFee.
Last call returns a value of 83556372916216 equal to 0.000083556372916216 ETH.
Then, to mint vMANTA with MANTA, call approve on MANTA token contract to the MantaPacificSlpx contract, then call the create_order function with the same inputs as estimateSendAndCallFee.