
What to post in the ValidatorElection Track?

The ValidatorElection Track only has the permission to call related functions with validators setting, such as add_validator or add_validator_boostlist and etc. If you are willing to apply for a VBL, you should post in this Track.

Check passed ValidatorElection Track proposals:

Notice: In Polkadot.js, Bifrost Polkadot is a network under Polkadot & Parachains, Bifrost Kusama is a network under Kusama & Parachains. If you are proposing vDOT, then you should post under Bifrost Polkadot; If you are proposing vKSM or BNC, then you should post under Bifrost Kusama.

Guidance for ValidatorElection Proposing

  1. Check this guidance for VBL applying.

  2. Post the discussion in subsquare to clarify the details of your proposing, receive feedbacks from the community.

  3. Check ValidatorElection Track parameters, post the on-chain proposal. The functions you might call with (check the example below): - slp: addToValidatorBoostList

Preimage construction

  • If you are proposing for DOT VBL on Bifrost Polkadot, the currencyid is Token2:0

  • If you are proposing for KSM VBL on Bifrost Kusama, the currencyid is Token:KSM

Use the preimage to submit ValidatorElection Proposal:

Last updated